Sunday, April 17, 2011

glass onion

There appears an occult meaning to everything that happens, I'm beginning to understand. Once a person accepts the possibility that magick exists, there's a slippery slope of information that leads one to realize there are many other people with the same beliefs, and some of them have been in power for a long, long time. Five lenses through which to view magick: Divination, Invocation, Evocation, Enchantment, Illumination. These magickal workings are behind the scenes. The tools are as follows: Money = Enchantment (those who control the money impose their wills upon whomever has it) Internet = Divination (those who control the internet use the data as an oracle) Mass Media = Evocation (those who control the mainstream media cultivate our relationship to our imaginations) Military/Industrial Complex = Divination (those who control the military industrial complex are the ones dictating how humanity should go about increasing our perception/ how we should see the world) Big Pharm/Religion = Illumination (those who control the drugs can control your ability to modify your consciousness) Cognizance allows one to use these tools for your own purposes, Even as they shed any subtlety as to what they are.

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