Friday, August 21, 2020

Alternate Histories

History as we know it is a lie. It is a very useful lie that is told in order to maintain power structure. As we established in the first part, because our understanding or interaction is affected by our contextual relationship to what is being interacted with, history is ever changing and evolving. Revisionist history comes forward and tries to combat established history, post-revisionists try and find a happy middle ground, and anything too far on the fringes gets shunned or memory-holed. The only true history, is the living history of our DNA, genetic and epigenetic information passed down by our ancestors. Almost everything else is suspect, although architecture, geology, and written record are the best physical places to find this info.

As such it’s extremely difficult to speak of certainty about human history past a few generations. For the purposes of exploration though, a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is needed. For a magician, history is about usefulness and accuracy more than reinforcing stories most have memorized in order to remain docile within a system controlled by other more powerful magicians.

Throughout the canon on accepted history, one finds a recurring theme of great rulers having mystical advisors or confidents. In antiquity the stories are of rulers who were magical (Solomon, Akhenaten, Sargon). There are some who argue that Jesus was a magician, whose story was later corrupted from its Gnostic roots in order to serve the Roman Empire (at the council of Nicaea). Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great both spent a night inside the king’s chamber in the Great Pyramid, reportedly having visions about their destiny as rulers. This drove Napoleon the first to attempt the same, whereby he emerged from the pyramid and proclaimed himself emperor. Most historical records seem to show that from the time of Jesus until present, leaders with mystical powers recur less often, and instead the mystic began appearing in the role of advisor. John Dee, famously for Queen Elizabeth the first, was allegedly the first person to coin the term and concept ’The British Empire’, for better or worse. Rasputin was infamously tied to the Romanov dynasty, who lost their monarchy shortly after his assassination. 

In Canada, Prime Minister William Mackenzie King was well known for using mediums, spiritualists, to contact the dead. Heinrich Himmler was famously obsessed with the occult, leading to many legends about Nazi’s that have made their way into popular culture. Julius Evola and Aleister Crowley both were in contact with their respective governments. President François Duvalier and his son President Jean-Claude were reviled in Haiti for their practices of Vodou. Recently, South Korean president Park Gun-hye was embroiled in a political scandal for her reliance on occult advisor Choi Soon-sil. The prominence of high level occultists in politics is much more common than not. History is full of famous politicians, inventors, and artists who have been initiated in the hermetic arts. Consider the long list of Freemasons that litter Western politics. Consider the odd familial relationships most people in politics share. It’s likely that variations of hermetic knowledge has been taught and kept within bloodlines. 

In gnostic hermeticism there is a teaching that people are of three characters; Hylic, Psychic, or Pneumatic. The Hylic have an unawakened soul, and as such no spirit, and are more condensed matter. The psychic is said to have an awakened soul, but only fledgling spirit. Pneumatics are described as having an awakened soul and spirit, Gnosis. Compare this cosmology with famed artist (and occultist) Leonardo Da Vinci ’There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.’ 

Occultists have influenced the direction of society from time immemorial. This is the hidden history of the world, that of combatting tribes of magicians whose work define the reality most of us live in. Whether or not you believe in the energetic pattern we shorthand as the ‘soul’, there is a definite battle being waged unseen to harness your life energy for others’ Will. Whether this is through economic money magic, or the various belief systems and religions that have been cultivated, the trade off is convenience and inclusion into the tribe, very powerful incentives.

The native language of black magic/blood magic is calculus, and geometry. Occult practitioners are the basis for modern science. Alchemy became chemistry, astrology became astronomy, metaphysics became physics, and the occult knowledge has remained hidden. Famous historical figures often have their ties to the occult down-played for obvious reasons, but back to Pythagoras, mathematic knowledge was rooted in the occult. Even in modern history, Newton, and Franklin, renowned for their scientific contributions, were both avid occultists whose scientific work was intimately tied to their occult work.

Modern rocketry is steeped in the occult. Jack Parsons, who started NASA’s JPL (originally Jack Parson’s Laboratory) was a member of the OTO, where he notoriously brought Ron L. Hubbard in to his lodge. The aftermath of all this resulted in Parson being kicked out of NASA, and Hubbard running off with Parson’s wife and money and starting Scientology. From 1934 to 1944, without ever completing a college degree, Parsons changed the course of modern rocketry. 

In Germany, the Thule society was formed in the ashes of WWI, trying to find a racial destiny amongst the occult histories of Europe and Asia. This ideology was part of the wave of sentiment that brought Hitler to power. The Nazi’s were also heavily interested in the occult. Although much of the information is difficult to find, it is well documented that Himmler formed a society called the Ahnenerbe to search out and document the occult. At the end of the war during Project Paperclip, the OSS/CIA imported all the high level Nazi scientists, and they went on to staff these high level Nazi scientists in the OSS, CIA, to run programs such as COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, and the Space Race. 

Past the 60’s the occult undergoes a revolution, and becomes mainstream. Songs about the ‘Age of Aquarius’ float through pop culture while sightings of alien beings that look suspiciously like the entity Aleister Crowley contacted (Lam) begin occurring. The Church of Satan is formed openly, as is the Church of Scientology. Musicians and celebrities experiment with Eastern philosophies and religions. Psychedelics become commonplace. The Wiccan revival begins in earnest, as atheism finds its first strong voices. Free sex, feminism, civil and gay rights all come part and parcel. The dark side of all this newfound freedom is the loss of innocence, as those who partake in the world of the occult become more subject to it’s influences. Truly powerful occultists operate brazenly while being shielded by low level cults such as The Source Family, The Manson Family, and the Jonestown settlement. With the fading ethical framework of ancestral socio-religious structure, birthrates begin to drop. Society falls further into the grips of one of the oldest and strongest enchantments, perpetrated by the largest cabal of co-operating blood magicians, the modern central banking scheme.

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